Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thank God it's March

I can't say that my life has actually become easier or less stressful since March 1, but I am really glad that February is over.

  • For one thing, that means we are almost to the end of this God-awful winter (possibly the most horrifying winter which has ever happened).
  • Secondly, Easter is this month which means yummy Cadburry Mini-Eggs (the one thing in this world that I can actually say I am addicted to).
  • Third, my Mom might be coming to visit! Mom doesn't come to visit too often, so I'm pretty excited.

Really, that's about it... I seriously need to get more enthusiastic about things. My horoscope the other day said something like:
    For the past few months Mercury has been in your sign giving you a lot of energy and enthusiasm, but today Mercury moves on leaving you exhausted.

And I thought, really? If I was this unenergetic in January and February, then what the heck is my non-Mercury month going to be like?

In other news, I am literarily adrift. You know when you really crave a good book something like a Jane Austin or a F. Scott Fitzgerald, but you've read them all? You look for the next great Classic that you haven't yet discovered, but everything you pick up is just lacking in some way or other? So this is me. I'm craving some sort of mix between a romance and historically accurate thriller of some sort. I started doing just to get inspired but it hasn't happened. Today I went to the library and got We were the Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oats, so maybe that will work.

OK, this post has depressed me. I'm moving on. Next time I write I will be more upbeat. I promise!

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