(From left to right): Row 1: A blurry picture of Maddie's first view at her Christmas stocking; Every item was the most exciting thing in the world; Maddie shows off her new stickers, the greatest gift a toddler can get apparently. Row 2: Rob enjoys his new Chemex; My sister-in-law, Jeannie, shows Baby Ian his new book, Hug; Maddie and her cousin, Annie, play house under the dining room table. Row 3: One of the greatest gifts we all got -- my 96-year-old grandmother with her grandchildren; The grandchildren on the stairs, note Maddie has inherited her mother's ability to do the Days of Our Lives pose (though Annie's pretty dramatic too!) Row 4: Maddie "helps" Grandma with Baby Ian; Rob and I get a moment of Christmas cheer. Row 5: Santa; My poor brother, Jim, who had a cold, but still this photo is just him, and his son, Ian. Row 6: The hit gift of the season, a microphone from Grandma, allows Maddie to be a little more dramatic than she usually is; Grandma and Maddie enjoy Christmas party #2; Baby Ian peeks over Aunt Dode's shoulder.
And God bless us, every one.
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