Anyway back to me. Here's what I finally came up with:

A short sleeve cardigan type thing (in grey or white) or a long sleep shawl like sweater (in any color). Yeah, I know this is really specific, but it seems like I've seen a million in stores and can't find any online. These two were at Old Navy -- which by the way, I really seem to be digging now, so an Old Navy or Gap gift card wouldn't be such a bad gift idea either!

Pajamma bottoms - nothing fancy, just a simple pair like Victoria Secret's (the graphic is a little intimidating!)

A book on Jackie Kennedy -- I'd kind of like to read this one, but truthfully I would probably never have a chance to listen to the dvds. So really any Jackie book would do.
It is the 50th anniversary of Breakfast at Tiffany's and you know I'm a fan!
Every Spring I read a Jane Austen book, and I have had a hankering for this one for a long time! These three are all obviously from Amazon and I do have a wishlist there.
This is purely a dream item but...

This makes me giggle. We currently have none of the Lost DVDs and we would like to eventually have all of them. So we might as well dream big.
Oh and I totally want these socks:

I do actually have an older wishlist here that I still would love some items from (I got the dinnerware, thanks J&J!)
Oh and here's one more pipe dream:

Yeah, it's $300 so I doubt Santa will drop that puppy down the chimney, but I'll just drop it out there in case I have any really rich secret admirers.
That was pretty impressive for not wanting anything, huh? It's amazing how your need for stuff just grows...