Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Real 2013 Resolutions

Well, the Christmas decorations are down and I'm starting to accept that the year has ended. Time for a fresh start. As always, I have some resolutions for 2013 that I will share (and some that I will be keeping to myself, nosy).

I didn't go the whole "13" resolution route that I used to do, but I did make several resolutions in several different categories. I'm going to share some resolutions from each of my categories this week. Whether they inspire you or hold myself accountable, they'll be interesting to read in December!

Resolutions for my own personal growth:

1. Send Birthday cards and gifts on time! Wow, 2012 was not a good year if you expected a gift from me. Just ask my sister-in-law (birthday: October 5, gift presentation date: ummm, Thanksgiving ish?) I finished my 2012 by sending my best friend her Christmas gift on Epiphany but her birthday gift one month early. So far a success! 35 birthdays to go!

2. Give! After Christmas, I looked around and noticed how much we have and how little others do. It's time to give: clothes, toys, time and money...

3. Make time for myself. I always feel terribly guilty about taking any time for me, but it's something I need to do. Hair appointments, errands, what have you -- I will be stealing time here and there just for me.

4. Make time for Date Nights. Last year, Rob and I realized we needed to start doing this. But by the end of the year, it got harder and harder. I think we went on one date night a month from April to September and then stopped. We're kicking it back up this year, with love.

5. Schedule family, then work. Last month, I had scheduled a meeting on St. Nicholas day/Maddie's half birthday without realizing it. Those little holidays are what makes childhood fun, and I don't want to let them slip by for work. I'm finding a way this year, somehow, to work less.

6. Keep my bathroom clean. I don't know about you, but my bathroom is only ever clean on the day I clean it-- and that's once a week or when company is coming. But somehow, I'm going to find a way to keep that sucker sparkling on a day to day basis. (Possibly by finding a different husband, not sure on that yet...)

More to come on Wednesday...


  1. I am not one to make resolutions, but yours are positively noble! (And I totally feel you on the bathroom thing.)

    And part of the making time for you resolution should be spending some time with ME, picking on hipsters! (Or are hipsters not cool to pick on anymore?)

  2. Deal! I've been thinking about you too! I shall text you.
