Friday, December 16, 2011

AaBbCc - Come Sing With Me!

As promised, here's another craft project made of felt! I decided to do this simple alphabet game to help Maddie learn her lower case letters. She knows all of her upper cases, but is just starting to learn the little ones.

I took a large piece of white felt (they come prepackaged at about 40cmx60cm, and I halved it) and sewed on 26 pockets of brightly colored felt.

Each pocket has a lower case letter on it. I took the small (20cmx20cm) precut squares and folding them into sixths, and cut them into squares. Half of my sixths went to pockets and the others went to making letters.

And I made upper case letters by
Taking a sixth of the felt, folding it in half and then sewing the letter in the center to take up as much of the fabric as possible. Then I trimmed around the edges.

I did free hand this because I'm gutsy, and admittedly a few of my letters are a little wonky. (Huh, autocorrect wants to make wonky into robot. Intriguing choice!) my S is pretty sad actually. If you want to give yourself a guide, you could use soap to draw your letters.

I trimmed all my pockets to match size-wise and sewed a small case letter with embroidery thread that matched the color of the upper case letter. Then I laid them out to make sure the fit, and sewed them onto my white felt with a sewing machine.

Really this project was nothing fancy. I sewed the letters during nap time each day for about four days. Maddie would tell me, "Make my letters, Mommy" before going to snooze. The pockets went really fast-- I think I finished them in two days. And then sewing them to the backing took a few hours because someone wanted to sit on my lap -- which just makes me nervous around a sewing machine.

End result -- Maddie loves it. Though she seems to enjoy matching by color rather than letter.

As you can see, she's shoving all the orange letters in the orange pocket.

The plan is to hang this on Maddie's closet door but I haven't quite gotten around to it. Maybe after Christmas. Until then Maddie enjoys laying it out on the floor to play with.

See? It apparently makes a great mat, too.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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