Monday, October 24, 2011

No Picky Eaters Here!

A little while ago I noticed that Maddie was snacking more on cheese than the fruits and veggies that she will actually eat if I remind her. So I came up with this idea to give her a little visual reminder and put some choices out there. (By the way, I'm in love with felt lately, in case you can't tell...)

Fruits (and a few veggies) from clockwise from left to right: broccoli, strawberry, orange slice, peach, pear, raspberry, blueberry, banana, grapes, apple, tomato.

Veggies, clockwise, from left to right: squash, corn, tomato, green beans, beet, peas, carrot, broccoli.

These were super easy. I just cut out two of each shape, sewed them together in a nothing-fancy stitch with a craft magnet in between layers (although you could probably hot glue a magnet to the back -- I just felt safer sandwiching it). Some of the fruits and vegetables I got a little creative with and made a little bit of detailing. But for the most part, I kept it simple.

Now I put the fruits and veggies that we have on the fridge for Maddie to play with and remind her to grab them for a snack -- which actually does work! And I stash the ones we don't have up on top of the fridge to remind me to pick them up.

So far, Maddie seems to like them!

If you want to try this for yourself, feel free to use these patterns (but really their nothing special):

Ok, and now you also know the truth: those fruits and veggies also cover up the stickers I've scrapped off my fridge.


  1. Cute! What a great idea. Those turned out great!

  2. Very good idea Alex! Love them. May need to steal the idea someday.
