Saturday, October 29, 2011


Normally, I don't go in for Halloween, but with a little one I've actually been pretty into it this year. I even went all out for some crafty decorations. And at the last minute as I caught sight of a Toys R Us catalog I decided to make these:

I saw a picture of those little Ugly Dolls and thought, "Hey, I can do that." And then I thought it was perfect for Halloween. So I whipped these up from some spare felt, thinking Maddie would enjoy them. Instead she tried to pull off their eyes and said, "No Ghosties!" Ah, well. They'll keep until next year.

These little ghosties were courtesy of a Pinterest post (I'd love to link it, but I apparently never pinned it). Maddie had a ball making them. Can you pick out which ones she made? Then of course she spent days filling each one with crayons and rocks, which is why if you look closely, these are multi-color speckled ghosties.

And they're perfectly at home underneath a little spider web...

But this is my favorite picture of all time. Maddie and I made some cutout bats and scaredy cats for our window. Can you tell which one is the real cat and which one is the cutout? (Give you a hint, the real one is fat.)

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