Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Part I

I really didn't take that many pictures with my camera -- I think Rob took a lot more. (Perhaps not the 2000 pictures we took last year, but more.) So here my small little recall of an amazing Christmas:

Come on, Maddie! I know where the presents are.


"Ok, here's the plan. You distract them, I'll open the presents under the tree."

The best part of our day: 'GG' finally got to come home for Christmas.

Maddie got lots of attention and love, especially from Aunt Dode (please notice Maddie is sleeveless because she shrugged off her shrug.)

After the table has been cleared, Maddie plays with the centerpiece.

It was a busy day! This little one fell asleep on the ride home and settled in for a long winter's nap.

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