Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm in the thanksgiving mood a little bit late this year. It seems that time just goes by too fast far too often. When it's a holiday and I'm working at Maddie's pace it seems that I rarely have a moment to really absorb what is going on around me. So now that I have a minute of quiet and peace, I'd like to say that I am thankful for these things:

My beautiful daughter Maddie -- who despite constantly reminding Rob and I of ourselves, is nothing less than her own distinctive self, and what a wonderful self that is.

My husband, a loving, patient, generous and thankfully funny man who daily reminds me of the person that I would like to be.

My Mom, who gives of her time and her energy every day to help me and to help Maddie, and most of all is just the best Mom that the ever was.

My family, every single one of them who make every holiday not just a fun day but a day that I look forward to all year.

That both Rob and I have jobs that we love going to every day. And that after years of feeling something lacking, I can say that the job I do makes a difference.

That we have a roof over our head, warm clothes on our backs, food on our table, and love in our lives.

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