Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is going to sound incredibly annoying...

...but those of you who know me well (particularly Sarah P.) and those of you who participated in my original viewing of Troy (Bill and Kenta) will understand.

So you know the part in Troy where Brad Pitt gives his big pep talk to the Myrmidons, just before they get off the boat at Troy and he says, "Myrmidon! You are lions!" I really want to tell him that technically myrmidon are ants. Why is it that I can't stop myself from watching this movie whenever it is on? Why is it this movie is not better?!?


  1. It could have been SO MUCH BETTER. As inaccurate as it was, it could have been a lot more entertaining, at least. I have seen it once, and once was enough for me.

  2. I'm addicted. I think it's my love hate relationship with Brad Pitt. I tend to watch his movies over and over again despite taking issue with him personally. That and there's nothing on TV.
