Thursday, May 14, 2009

Are we there yet?

I have this odd feeling that this baby is going to be early.... She better be a Gemini that's all I gotta say. Ever since my niece was born early (tomorrow would have been her due date but instead today is her 1 month birthday!) I have just had in my mind that Maddie will be here before her time. I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable with the idea. I seem to be getting more stuff done that I wanted to finish, and I'll have a crib for her this week.

In other news, I found out I get to meet my new niece this month! She'll be taking her first road trip for Memorial day which as always is my favorite holiday season what with my mom's and my birthday in there someplace. Let's hope that Annie doesn't get to meet Maddie on THIS visit.


  1. Annie says that she's just fine waiting a month to meet her new cousin ... but we're all looking forward to seeing all of you!

  2. She'd better not rush; I'm not done with her baby blanket yet!

  3. I'll just keep my legs crossed.
