Sunday, April 26, 2009

We have arrived!

We're here, we're here! And I'm guessing that some of us may be a little happier than others of us. Rob had to get up super early this morning while working kind of late last night and having to pick up the cats and get them settled, AND we found out that the street traffic outside our bedroom can be a little loud -- so he didn't get too much sleep. I on the other hand feel like I can actually breathe at this apartment. I feel this complete positivity that I haven't felt since at least October. It's amazing how well this apartment fits us. Let's just hope Rob feels the same after a night of no sleep. I'm sure he'll learn to sleep through traffic, right?

Yesterday morning Rob left for work at 9 am and I happened across a few more decent sized boxes, which allowed me to pack more things. I had left unpacked all our everyday kitchen stuff and all my Martha Stewart Weddings (the pristine complete collection) because we were lacking enough boxes. The enormity of the amount of crap we were leaving over there and expecting to pick up during random trips back and forth was weighing heavily on me. So before the movers got there I actually finished everything on my list. I even managed to vacuum and clean a little.

The movers got there at 1:00 pm and low and behold were able to parallel park on our tiny street! The same three guys that had moved me into the apartment were the ones to do the moving, and they were so nice. By 4:00 pm, I was all moved into the new place AND they had even arranged all the furniture for me.

Truthfully, I didn't label any boxes this time -- despite my incredible organization last time. I have a dining room filled wall to wall with boxes filled with God-knows-what. But that actually works out fine for me. I'm going through it box by box and since there is sooo much storage space here (6 closets including a huge linen closet and a walkin, AND we have a storage unit in the basement) I figure we shouldn't have any problems stowing stuff. By 7 pm last night I had the bedroom, bathroom and most of the kitchen pretty settled. Now I feel like I can relax.

Tonight we'll make a run over to the old apartment to pick up the random stuff left behind and then someday this week, I'll do a mild cleaning before getting a cleaning service for the really cleaning -- a luxury I think I can rationalize by my lack of bending- ability.

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