Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who wants an update?

OOOOOHHHHH, interestingly I just noticed that my IT guy at work updated my computer with a new version of my web browser thereby allowing me to see blogger's shortcut buttons. Blogging has never been this easy. Awesome.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is -- We are moving to Buffalo! I know this has been official for quite sometime, but it is officially happening soon. Want the details? Here they are:

  • We have no place to live, so we're living here:

  • So we're going to be staying there until we find an actual apartment, and our stuff gets to stay in storage.
  • We have hired movers (because we are smart), but no we aren't packed yet.
  • Pick-up date is scheduled for August 24 (day after Rob's birthday) or August 25 -- we don't find out until a little closer to the date. And we will be leaving that same date.
  • The kitties are not in the least prepared for their move and therefore this should help.
  • And I officially start working from home on August 27 -- so yeah, I'll see ya'll Labor Day weekend.

Time for Q and A. Anyone?


  1. So when are we having a coffee date? (I won't be around that first weekend - my mama's birthday, and I think we're going to Cleveland!).

    Oh, I'm so excited that you'll be around!

  2. Get this. I can have a coffee date with you ANY TIME. Wanna come down to the cottage for dinner?

  3. heck yes? You are soooo Street.
