Monday, April 14, 2008

There was an Old Lady...

Seriously, I hurt my back again. This is at least the second time in 2 months. I think I actually may have pulled a muscle, which has subsequently led to a pinched nerve (maybe Syatic? sp?) which has thereby ruptured a disc. OK, I made up that last part but the rest is totally true.

The sad thing is I have NO clue how I did it! It started hurting last week, and then on Wednesday night when I was taking dinner out of the oven it just gave out. I tried to stretch a little bit, and it started spasming. The next night was worse. Then I miraculously started getting better. Then on Sunday I tried to stretch a little bit. Then I tried to make dinner. And it gave out AGAIN and started spasming AGAIN.

So from now on (a) I'm not making dinner EVER again and (b)I'm never stretching again either.

WHat is wrong with me?!? Does anyone else have these problems? Who isn't 90?

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure some little punk wasn't stepping on cracks around your apartment? :)
