Monday, April 21, 2008

Fun Facts

1) Rob really likes Charles in Charge. I really do not. This was the one part of the 80s that I just didn't get. (And the one part of the 2000s that I really don't get would be the "Scott Baio find me a bride reality show"). So Rob put Charles in Charge Season 2 on his Netflix. He asked if I wanted to watch it with him. I stared at him and asked if he remembered my response when he asked me to watch Season 1 with him. So we decided to watch our other netflix. Rob puts in the DVD for We Own the Night, and pushes play. Surprise surprise. The Charles in Charge theme comes on. Same thing the next night. I expect to see Rescue Dawn, instead nice chipper Charles In Charge theme song. Seriously am I the only one who does not enjoy this show??

2) Rob bought a little kid's fishing rod at Target. It's actually a Dora the Explorer Cast n' Reel fishing rod. Well it now has a little green fluffy cat nip mouse attached at the end. And IT IS ENTERTAINING. By the way, when I was little we didn't buy toy fishing rods, we used a tape measure and stood on the footstool and threw it out, then spent forever rolling it back up. Our cats are spoiled.

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